Friday, April 19, 2013


Yesterday and today, I discovered a couple of really cool things I can do with my phone (Samsung Galaxy Note) which could be really useful.
Discovery #1: GIFBoom
This is a free app for Android that allows you to create GIFs from... well... just about anything. Videos, photos, even other GIFs can be used, and the app even has a camera for you to take multiple shots to GIF your surroundings. I used the app to make a couple of random TomSka GIFs, and they turned out pretty darn good. Oh, and by the way, I now have a Tumblr account, where I'll share my GIFs and some random fanart in hopes that one of my favourite Youtubers will notice. If you like, follow me at  ;D
Discovery #2: S Pen Digitizer
One of the essential tools of any digital artist worth their salt is a graphics tablet, usually manufactured by Wacom. I've had my eyes on one ever since I started drawing anime five years. Sadly, these are sort of costly, and since my parents were unwilling to finance me, I don't have one. :( So, for the past five years, I refined my technique using whatever other materials I had: pencils, paper, pens, highlighters, book covers and almost any other drawing surface I could get my pencil on, and more recently with my phone.
Just this afternoon, I randomly decided to use Google to see if there was any way to use my phone as a graphics tablet. Surprisingly enough, there was one app; a free beta app known as the S Pen Digitizer. The app allows you to connect any device that uses an S Pen (i.e. Samsung Galaxy Note 1, 2, or 10.1) to your computer via Wi-Fi and draw in programs like Photoshop with it - hence essentially turning it into a graphics tablet. I downloaded the app and tested it, and it worked like a charm!
Well.... maybe not completely like a charm. I'm not sure if it was the app or my laptop, but it was a little laggy - nothing serious, though. And drawing on a tablet is not as easy as it sounds - it takes quite a bit of getting used to. I tried drawing in Photoshop, but it didn't really work so well, so I switched over to Paint Tool SAI, which worked a bit better.
Today, I'll share the results of my discoveries: one of my four TomSka GIFs and a random drawing I did on SAI. The drawing could definitely have been better - I didn't get the chance to refine it as I had to go out somewhere - but I'mma share it anyways.

EDIT: I forgot to do the Song Stuck In My Head for this one! Oh well... I'll do it anyway.

Song Stuck In My Head: The Little Ships by Jean Jacques-Perry. This was the song used for the TomSka and Bing Dance on Youtube. Maybe I'll GIF that dance and post it on Tumblr.

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